
For pets, Golden Heart Veterinary Services proudly offers dermatology services. Find out more below.
stray dogs scratch their feet with their mouths caused by fleas

Pet Dermatology in Fairbanks, AK

Dermatology mainly deals with problems that affect the skin, nails, or hair of your pet. Cats and dogs frequently have parasites, rashes, allergies, and other issues. These health problems shouldn’t be ignored because they can be highly uncomfortable for your pet.

husky dog runs and has fun in deep snow

Pet Dermatology

Skin problems are common in dogs and cats and can be caused by hormonal disorders, allergies, infections, or parasites such as fleas and mites. These issues can be complicated to treat and should be addressed promptly.

We can often diagnose a skin problem by simply examining your pet. Some dermatologic diseases or conditions do require additional diagnostic procedures to ensure a correct diagnosis. Depending on your pet’s symptoms and the results of our physical exam, we may run blood work or perform a urinalysis, skin scraping, or biopsies.

Contact us if you notice your dog or cat scratching excessively or if they develop any bare patches, scabs, scaling, redness, inflammation, lumps, or bumps.

Veterinary Services Fairbanks, AK

Pet Wellness Exams

Pet Parasite Prevention

Pet Sterilization

Pet Sled Dog Care

Pet Ophthalmology

Puppy & Kitten Care
Pet Dentistry

Pet Final Care

Pet Endoscopy

Pet Health Certificates

Pet Vaccinations

General Pet Surgery

Pet Diagnostic Radiology

Pet Ultrasonography

Pet Laboratory Diagnostics

Pet Microchipping

Pet Orthopedic Surgery

Pet PennHip & OFA

Pet Dermatology

Pet Pharmacy